How do you make people value your marketing material so much they pay for it? Simple, print their wedding certificate on the back of your flyer.
AutoWed is a novelty wedding vending machine that offers a quick, tacky & humorous hitch. For a quid or two you get a personalised wedding receipt and a couple of rings.
Basically it’s a parking meter turned good – audio prompts, a specially composed wedding march, a steel keyboard and retro display, ring vending and ticket printer all wrapped up in a Cadillac-pink cabinet. The first prototype lives in the USA at Marvin’s Marvellous Mechanical Museum (, without whose endless support and enthusiasm we would not have made it a reality. Edinburgh Camera Obscura have bought the second prototype.
AutoWed unexpectedly brought us global TV and press coverage along with a satellite broadcast van and queue of reporters at The Old Lemonade Factory.

See Marvin’s Marvellous Mechanical Museum here>
Photography with wedding couple
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